Dr. Beth's Blog

A Busy Parents Guide to Mindfulness

Being a parent doubles your reasons for being mindful because living in the moment benefits you and your children. As you increase your own peace of mind, you’re becoming a stronger role...

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Protecting Your Kids From Child Predators - Part 3


Q13 Fox | Protecting Your Kids From Child Predators Part 3

This morning is the final part of our series on child exploitation.

Today the investigators who have dedicated their lives to...

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Protecting Your Kids From Child Predators - Part 2

Q13 Fox | Protecting Your Kids From Child Predators Part 2


We continue our series this morning on child exploitation today, and we're introducing you to the men and women who have dedicated...

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Protecting Your Kids From Predators - Part 1

Even good parents often underestimate the dangers their children face.

One In Four Females | One In Six Males Are Abused Sexually Before Age 18.  

"In most cases, the enemy is not a...

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What Is Parenting With Love And Sanity?

Parenting with love and sanity or child-raising is the procedure of supporting and promoting a child's physical, social, psychological, and psychological advancement from birth to teenage years as...

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How to Help Your Child Deal With Anxiety parenting

The world can be a scary place for children. Children have many good reasons to worry. They are isolated. How to Help Your Child Deal With Anxiety? Their schools have become a place of danger due...

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Teach Your Child Top Success Skills parenting


Being a great student doesn't necessarily translate to being a successful adult. So, you're not off the hook just because your child is doing well in school. School is not...

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When Should Siblings Share a Bedroom

As we have built larger homes and had more space for children, we have put every child in a separate bedroom, but there are advantages to children sharing bedrooms. In previous generations,...

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Social Skills Development For Toddlers

Teaching social skills to children is not as easy as it may seem. Many parents, especially single parents, think that a trip to the supermarket will teach their children the value of sharing....

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Toy Maker Turns Its Back On Protecting Children

Mattel turns its back on protecting children, "Protecting Your Child From Predators" with Dr. Beth Robinson, EdD 

The Importance of Protecting Children

In addition to being a global...

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A Parents Guide to Making Teething Easier for You and Your Baby

Teething can be a challenging time for babies and their parents. Soreness and swelling may make some little ones fussier and more reluctant about eating. These are the basic facts about teething...

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